7th Heaven

Welcome to


the site where  I'll teach you to make ANIME

Sorry that some parts of this site are still not funcioning. I started to create it not long ago. I'll update it every week so that every piece of information is maximaly accurate and I'll too enlarge this site. Sorry that there is no art gallery cuz I've got lots of work building this site. Maybe when the first anime tutorials appears I'll also make a gallery and write down some links to other sites with useful information. Maybe that there are also some spelling errors- I had no time to correct them, but I'll come to that later. If you've got questions to the tutorials or want to help me building this site by sending some artwork or tips please mail me!

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If you are an OTAKU like me and you'd like make your own anime sequences
start screamin'. You found the way into heaven.
But before we get started, I'll have to explain some japanese words we
otaku use daily. If you already know the basics of manga drawing you should jump right into the Manga section of this site.


Anime are movies(both cinema and OVA) and series that are based on the typical manga drawing and story writing style. It's not easy to produce good anime(the hardest thing is to create a good story). But that's why I've created this site. Here you can learn how to make your own animated  sequences and later an entire anime movie(but before that you've got to learn a lot about making anime).
Animators are the artists that draw anime. Theyr job is to draw the images into various anime movies and they have to do it quickly. Movies have thousands of frames and are(as opposed to manga) colored. That's the reason why animators are differenced into two groups. Genga and douga animators. Douga animators are responsible for the animational part of the movie. They draw the frames between key frames. Here we get to the job of the real masters, the genga animators. They draw the key frames. We'll discuss the animator's job(both genga and douga) in the animation tutorial.
Otaku means in japanese fanatic. People that are fanatics for video games or MANGA(!) and ANIME(!!!) and love them so that they are a replacement for personal interaction, then they are called OTAKU. In japan this isn't a nice thing to say to somebody, but here outside of the Land of the rising Sun we love to be called that way!
      Means in japanese comic. They usualy have the typical manga style drawn
           characters(big eyes'n small mouth/nose etc.). Theyr storyline also
           incorporates typical manga story features(such as lost love, old friends
           fighting each other or an unclear past of the main character- non such shit
           stories as superman or spiderman or whateverman). Well but there are some
           technical differences between manga and anime and non-japanese comics.
           First of all it's the right to left rule. The pictures(or better frames) in a comic
           are placed so, that when folowing'em you jump from the right picture to the
           left and also when going to the next page. The other thing is that manga is B&W.
           I don't know why, but it doesn't matter.
Are artists that draw manga. I think I don't need to mention such masters as Rumiko Takahashi san and others.
Hmm, did I forget something? No, then let's start the countdown to drawing...
      First of all I'll teach you my way of thinkin' when drawing.
This is Naoko Takeuchi  point1:Don't think when you draw manga!
san author of Sailormoon             This is one of the worst things that can happen to you
when you start drawing. The idea of the picture will come
by itself. Don't try to force it, it won't help. Drawing manga
is something very emotional.
point2:Clear your workplace of all unneeded obstacles!
Also very important, you have to clear your workplace
(most often a table) in order to get into the room a
good atmosphere.
 point3:Try to turn the table so, that behind you(when you sit) is
           a wall.
There isn't a thing a hate more than a opened door behind
my back. Then I can't concentrate on my work and I'm
simply unable to draw somethig good. Even if you're sitting
with the back turned to a door(like me), keep the door always closed.
  point4:If you are that kind of person, play some good and soft music
           while you draw.
Of course this doesn't mean you must listen to music all the
time you draw. Sometimes when the music begins to bother
you, it's better to draw a few moments in silence. When your
ears have regenareted try to listen to something different.
Now. If you follow these rules your manga can become only
Hayao Miyazaki san is one world     good. But. There's something I've missed out and that's the
class animator prodc:Mononoke     philosophy of drawing manga.
The basic philosophy is PPP. These are the magic letters when drawing, they mean:

Practice, Practice and again Practice

You will never be able to draw good manga, even if you have the best guide, if you don't practice often. I'd say that
normal practicing is about one hour every day. But lets get
to the action!^_^

First, before starting to draw anime, you'll heve to able to draw manga. Be patient. You won't be as good as you'd like to be at the beginning. It's always hard to start something that large so think first about it. If you give up two months later, all the wasted time and work will be for nothin'. But if you're workin' real hard on it you can see results after a week or two. And as you'll continue you will see a steady increase in the quality of your manga. So, be PATIENT.

The time has come to choose form a path!

      MANGA                           ANIME
                                        (This part is under
       (This part is under
   construction too)