MANGA for novices-drawing ears
Hmm, now that I hink about it, the ears are the easiest part of a face. They aren't very complex and not very important. O.k. guy, as I found out, this section is going to be the shortest of all.
So, lets get right to the ears and how to draw them. The ears have only two factors that define them. The angle of view(only 2 views when drawing ears-front view and side view) and the sex of the character(men have stronger and bigger ears that women).
So first we'll learn how to draw ears from different views. Here you've got a picture of two women ears(I've added earrings to strengthen the female look) from front and side view.You see that the only difference between them is, that the left ear is squashed and rotated a little bit horizontaly. It isn't that important what lines you draw into the ear(the lines that represent the inner shape), it'll look good even if there aren't any.
Now to the differences in the sex. As I've alredy mentioned above men have stronger and bigger ears. We'll there aren't any more differences. So, here you've got a picture of the ears.Well that all. Real easy, huh? Go back